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Welcome Spring Equinox 2020

It’s hard to realize that today, March 19th 2020, is Spring Equinox and the official end of the Winter. With everything happening right now in the World, I was thinking yesterday morning “Wow, I know it will be Spring tomorrow and I need to make a blog about it!". But I forgot about it overnight thinking about my parents in France needing medical assistance (not with Covid-19) and family here, in the USA. In order to keep ourselves positive and mentally healthy, we must Welcome Spring 2020, thinking about this renewal time for Mother's Nature, for the human race and to start fresh, learning from everything that happened during this past Winter .

What does Spring Equinox truly means for you, for your life?

Spring Equinox is a joyful celebration centered around rebirth & growth. It is the arrival of spring and Earth is coming alive again. Spring Equinox is a festival of awakening and rebirth. These dark months (winter months) are now over and we are gradually moving towards the warmth of the light. With Spring Equinox, your spirit is awaking with new ideas & dreams for your life. Everything is fresh, this warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired. The end of Winter can sometimes feel a little rocky, especially with this Pandemic we are all experiencing, some more than others... The energy shifting from an inward-focus to outwardly-focused can make you feel a bit off-game.

With Spring Equinox, Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark are bringing the return of some much-needed balance into your own life. Overall, Spring is a joyful time, a time to celebrate this new life. Everything is coming alive. Nature is waking up & being reborn. The same thing is happening within yourself... your spirit is coming alive, hopeful, and full of energy. Parts of you are being reborn and coming alive in many ways... Spring represents a new day!

A new and strong Sun is rising. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight. Your are totally ready to make a fresh start, you have a lot of new & fresh ideas that you came up with, during all those past months of Winter. Your goal and focus right now are to determine how soon and which goals to first put your energy in and work on. All these things are buzzing with new life around you. This month is about trying new things out. A few questions that usually comes up are: what triggers your excitement at this present time? what are your points of interest? what is pulling you forward?

Approach your callings light-hearted, just try it and go for it! Spring brings clarity in the World, in your life. This is the time to get really clear on what you want to see grow in your life & what you want to harvest. Keep yourself grounded and neutral right now, it is very important for you to remain balanced so that your energy does not get pulled away and wasted.

Think about today, think about tomorrow and let’s all heal together during Spring. I am sending all my Prayers and positive thoughts to all the Souls in the World that need comfort and in need of white light, love and encouragement during those tremendous challenging times.

Spring is a time of Renewal, Rebirth & Hope!

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